Monday, March 5, 2012

New at This!

We recently moved into a "new" (haha, its 112 yrs old) house six months ago, far from home. As our house has many projects to be done and so many of our friends and family have said, "can't wait to see what you will do with it" we decided to start a way to 1) keep track of our own progress, and 2) have a way to show our friends and family who live states away what we are up to in our new home town. So here we go! I am new to this 'blog' thing, so bare with me while I figure it out! Hope you enjoy!

Here is the first "before & after" the shutters. They were a deep forest green color and just didn't contrast quite enough from the mushroom color of our house. So we risked life and limb pulling them ALL down, all 36 of them, and began the painstaking process of cleaning, sanding, priming, painting, and rehanging these guys. But now that its done, we LOVE how it turned out. Nice added contrast we think!

before & after (left to right)